Want Better Metrics? Build a Better Partnership.

Success lies in fostering healthy client relationships

Want Better Metrics? Build a Better Partnership.

In the ever-evolving landscape of performance marketing, success lies not only in mastering the art of data-driven strategies but also in cultivating the right team and fostering healthy client relationships. At our agency, our belief is simple: Communication, customization and agility are the core ingredients for creating thriving partnerships and outstanding results.

Consider this analogy: If you hired a caterer to help you plan a dinner party, how would you want to work with them? Would you want them to bring in a set menu without knowing your preferences? What if they told you, “I’ll start with brussels sprouts because they’re trendy right now,” but you can’t stand brussels sprouts? Or, on the other hand, what if they said, “I can’t make these decisions for you. You’ll have to tell me what you want me to cook, down to the last detail.” Overwhelming much? The ideal caterer communicates with you from the start. They offer options and recommendations based on their own expertise – and make it happen seamlessly – but only after listening to, and understanding, your goals for the evening and your personal tastes.

Taking the analogy further, imagine that your caterer had some set menus, but you wanted to mix and match. You’d want them to be able to customize their services to create a meal that you were excited about.

Finally, what if two days before the party, you learned that a few of your guests had food allergies? Could the caterer pivot with agility to accommodate for the allergies while keeping intact the things you loved about the menu? If they’re worth their salt (no pun intended), they will have already anticipated a few hiccups and will be prepared with some backup menu items.

For the ideal dinner party, your caterer should feel like a partner – someone who brings their expertise into the planning while keeping in mind that at the end of the day, it’s their job to execute the dinner party of your dreams.

So, how do we bring these key ingredients to the marketing table? Let’s start with communication.

We build trust with our clients by maintaining a direct pipeline for clear and frequent communication.


Open and transparent communication is the cornerstone of any successful client-agency relationship. We build trust with our clients by maintaining a direct pipeline for clear and frequent communication. Regular check-ins, progress updates, and collaborative brainstorming sessions allow us to align our strategies with our partners’ goals and visions. 

By fostering easy communication, we create an environment where our partners feel heard, respected, and involved in the decision-making process.


We understand that each client is unique; we can customize processes, and also teams, to meet our partners’ needs. We go beyond merely assembling a group of talented individuals; we curate a bespoke team for each partner. 

Before diving into any partnership, we take time to thoroughly understand the brand, its values, and its target audience. Then, we handpick the members of our team who fit best. If we don’t have the right person on staff, we go find that person. And since we know that goals and KPIs change, we can also revisit and adapt our team to meet any changing needs.

Similarly, we select partners who share our values of mutual respect, open communication, and a shared commitment to excellence, creating a true partnership with aligned goals. 


The marketing landscape is constantly evolving; to remain at the forefront, agility is key. We understand that market demands, consumer behaviors, and technological advancements can shift overnight, requiring us to be nimble and responsive. An article from McKinsey & Company* states that “a volatile and complex world is serving up change at an accelerating pace. Individuals and organizations need to be ready. That doesn’t mean reacting to the next challenge that comes our way, but rather being prepared to meet it when it arrives.”  We agree.

By staying ahead of industry trends and analyzing data-driven insights, we can adapt our strategies in real-time to optimize performance, as well as anticipate future changes and stay a step ahead. We call it “moving at the speed of culture.”

The Takeaway:

The ingredients for any successful partnership are the same. Whether it’s for a dinner party or a marketing relationship, communication, customization, and agility will ensure that your partnership thrives. By embracing these core values, TVGla stays ahead of the pace in a rapidly changing landscape while delivering some exceptional results to boot. Now that’s something worth throwing a party for – hors d’oeuvres anyone? 

